3 Old HSK word(s): ** A ** C ** C

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hoe / eradicate

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:


10 NHSK word(s): * 2 wai4outside/ in addition/ foreign/ external * 2 hai2still/ still in progress/ still more/ yet/ even more/ in addition/ fairly/ passably (good)/ as early as/ even/ also/ else 其他* 3 qi2 ta1other/ the others/ else/ other than (that person)/ in addition to the person mentioned above 除了* 3 chu2 le5besides/ apart from (... also...)/ in addition to/ except (for) 而且* 3 er2 qie3(not only ...) but also/ moreover/ in addition/ furthermore * 3 gen1heel/ to follow closely/ to go with/ to marry sb (of woman)/ with/ towards/ as (compared to)/ from (different from)/ and (in addition to) 并且* 4 bing4 qie3and/ besides/ moreover/ furthermore/ in addition 另外* 4 ling4 wai4additional/ in addition/ besides/ separate/ other/ moreover/ furthermore 此外* 5 ci3 wai4besides/ in addition/ moreover/ furthermore 况且* 6 kuang4 qie3moreover/ besides/ in addition/ furthermore
1 KOREAN6000 word(s):
B 게다가 [gedaga] In addition

KOREAN 2500 New HSK words):
KOREAN Sentence(s):